I don’t like surprises. There I said it. I think it relates to my “control” tendencies I have talked about in the past. When Kori and I...

Hot Wheels, Dirt Bikes and Car Repairs
When I was a kid my favorite toys to play with were Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars. I had quite the collection back then. All the cars...

R.I.P. Swagger Wagon!
It’s a sad day today around the Becker house. We have lost something very dear to most of us. Well mainly to me but it is still hard to...

Holiday Observations: Traditions, Memories, and Doing the Right Thing
Thankfully for me Christmas morning doesn’t start as early as it used to. Either the kids have all gotten older and like to sleep as...

A Year in the Life: Making Video Memories
Christmas is now just right around the corner. Three of our 4 kids are home and Number 1 returns on Saturday. As I said in my previous...

What's Really Important?
Last night, around 11:30pm, Number 3 came home after finishing his first semester at college. On Monday, Number 2 comes home after 4...

Winning With Your Wife - My Top Ten
Recently my wife was forced to move to a different state for a new job. We have a junior in high school and we decided it was better for...

'Twas the night before Black Friday
May you and your families find much to be grateful for this holiday season, whether the children are young or young at heart This was...

It Will Be Fine, Just Fine. It Will All Be Fine…Right?
As a parent, it is the never-ending see-saw ride that raises the stress levels. From the terrible twos and the teens to the challenges of...

Lost and Forgotten: A Story of Love
Ok, so it’s been many years ago now but it is time for me to publicly announce something. I forgot Number 2 at soccer practice one time....