Legacy in a Junk Drawer: A Plea to Go Through Your Stuff Now
After sifting though 56 years of receipts, photos and treasured memories, I plead with you to take action now, and leave a legacy that...
Homage to the Parents that Cook, Clean and Do All the In between
I should have clued in when I got angry at the dirty sheets on the bed. When I tried to give them the “mom stare” -- you know that look...
The College Conundrum
Today I sit in a hotel room in Ames, Iowa after Number 3’s first day of orientation at Iowa State University. He made his final decision...
Real Conversations Emerge with Teens and Young Adults
There is something I absolutely love about raising kids that are teenage-to-young-adults. For all the challenging moments with this age...
Saying Bye Bye to the Bias
I used to be one of those people. As a professional woman in the early 90’s, I minimized any “proof” that I had of a life outside of my...