Celebrating the Silver Anniversary with Johnny Dogs in the North Woods
We celebrated the silver anniversary – the big two-five milestone – with waterfalls instead of silver, hot dogs in place of a gourmet...

The Silence, the Setting and the Sentimental Dad
So Tuesday will mark Kori and my 25thwedding anniversary. Over the years, my wife has commented that I am not romantic. My response,...

A day in the life of Parenting….Four Kids, Four States, Foretelling Moments
In the midst of grieving the loss of a parent and all that entails, preparing child Number 3 to go to college and attending a national...

Private and For Parents Only: Stop Delaying Your Gratification Today
The July 4thHoliday “oohs and aahs” got delayed this year due some inclement weather, and it reminded me that some times delayed...