Pass on What Brings You Passion and Share That With Your Kids
For the past nine days, I have volunteered countless hours at the College World Series as a way to fundraise for Number 4 and his dance...

In the Moment: Funny, Frustrating and Often Fastidious Instants in Flight
I love the airport. Okay, maybe not all aspects of it; after all, I am writing this on the tail end of a weather-related, delayed travel...

Zaggy Father’s Day: The Zag and Zig of family celebrations
As a perpetual planner, I should have looked ahead to see the potential looming challenge that I would face. At age 16, however, when...

A Dad’s Dream: Noboby Puts Baby in a Corner
Confession…I have not always given my full attention when my wife, a well-read news and research junkie, gets excited about some...

Wink, Wink: Wonder Why Kids Defy the Uniformity of Nature?
As if parenting wasn’t challenging enough, the system design is flawed; at least by manufacturing standards where quality replication is...