The Waiting Game
A couple of weeks ago I had to go to the DMV because we had sold a car and I had to turn in the license plates and have them pay me, for...
Saying Bye Bye to the Bias
I used to be one of those people. As a professional woman in the early 90’s, I minimized any “proof” that I had of a life outside of my...
Top 10 Tips: Stay at Home Dad Wisdom
I am getting old. Number 1 is graduating from college next month and then a week later, Number 3 is graduating from high school. That...
Wise Wisdom When I Was Willing
We have come to the point in life when we turn to the kids for advice, and not just about modern technology and social media, but real...
Milestones, Memories and Moving On
So this week, there were a number of firsts in the Reed-Becker family. Number 1 is graduating from college next month and this week she...